Tag: flower

  • Curls of Delight.

    Curls of Delight.

    I was so taken with this particular flower. I chose it predominantly for its colour, but I did also notice the curls. Once it was in a vase on the table, I was eye level with this beauty and was fascinated by its curls. The shape and the way the colours follow the curves really…

  • Dior.


    Happy Mother’s Day. Dedicating these photos to my mama 💕 I did love this collection while shooting them, and I still do. Plus the editing made me happy. But perhaps my post entitled Glamour is still my favourite so far. They certainly don’t look like tulips, do they? x desleyjane

  • Glamour.


    Did I say I couldn’t pick a favourite? I lied. This. This is my favourite. So far. But I know what’s coming. x desleyjane

  • Beautiful Drama.

    Beautiful Drama.

    I love this one as well (honestly, I’m not sure I can pick a favourite). It began to rain lightly while we were photographing the tulips, and the temperature dropped, but it didn’t deter us, we had something new to photograph – capturing those droplets sitting on such vibrant petals. x desleyjane

  • Changing the background – a new RegularRandom idea

    Changing the background – a new RegularRandom idea

    What a difference a background change makes?! These first two sets of photos are taken in exactly the same location and conditions, but I have merely swapped out the placemat that sits under the vase. Firstly, I used a white placemat, then swapped it for a black one. I have been thinking about adding a…

  • Floratuin Julianadorp 3

    Floratuin Julianadorp 3

    My third collection – you can see that the variety on display was amazing. Some would say that there is too much innovation, when a tulip no longer looks like a tulip, but I do love most of them. x desleyjane

  • Pink Ruffled Tulips

    Pink Ruffled Tulips

    I didn’t get the name of these. They were just gorgeous. Such full heads, packed together to form this delicious carpet of flowers. I’m going to use these photos as backgrounds and wallpapers and in my planner. Just divine. I still have the Dior ones to share as well – those are stunning too, maybe…

  • Floratuin Julianadrop 2

    Floratuin Julianadrop 2

    The variety of colours and shapes was truly amazing. So hard to choose. I just adore the classic shape, shown in the peach-coloured ones in the gallery. But I think the peony style is definitely my favourite of all – there are many more of those to come. I hope you won’t get bored with…

  • Floratuin Julianadorp 1

    Floratuin Julianadorp 1

    On Sunday, we drove from Amsterdam to Julianadorp to see the tulips. It’s a tulip farm, with so many different varieties of tulips on display, in small garden beds, and a big area where you can pick your own tulips to take home. Of course, we could not resist photographing all of the wonderful varieties.…

  • Ruffled Beauty

    Ruffled Beauty

    I wish I’d made a note of the names of the tulips. Some were very imaginative, and some were perfectly fitting. This one is sublime, is it not? The colours, the vibrancy, the ruffles, and the dance of petals. Love 💕 x desleyjane

  • Editing Tulip Photos

    Editing Tulip Photos

    Those who know me, know that I love to edit photos, to see how much I can get out of an image, what details I can find, how I can make it even prettier than reality. It’s an art, and a science, and it’s also a source of relaxation for me. Here are some edits…

  • Up close with these pretty delphiniums.

    Up close with these pretty delphiniums.

    In my most recent RegularRandom, I featured this bouquet of Delphiniums and Baby’s Breath. After the five minutes, I spent some time going in closer, and then some extra time in editing. I really enjoyed this one. x desleyjane