Tag: color

  • The light on the water.

    The light on the water.

    Happiness is the light on the water. -William Maxwell One of our photography groups has been very active in giving us weekend projects to help us through the social isolation. This is the first weekend I’ve been able to take part, and it’s a project I’ve tried before a few years ago but for some…

  • Roy G. Biv (WPC 1)

    My timing seems to be quite bad. This week’s photo challenge (ROY G. BIV) is all the colours of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) and last week I published a post of some Rainbow Roses, which would have fitted this theme perfectly. So, I pottered about at home this morning and came…

  • Long days, photo two ways (Rehab8)

    Long days, photo two ways (Rehab8)

    Waiting. Trapped behind glass. Desperate to enter. Denied. The light will conquer the darkness. Waiting. With so many hours of my time spent waiting in airports and sitting on planes, I have really enjoyed flicking through my photos and playing with editing techniques. This photo was taken kind of at random in a coffee shop…