Tag: foodphotography

  • So Much Chocolate.

    So Much Chocolate.

    Somehow, my desk at work has become the repository for chocolate. I was given a special block as a little gift for some work that I did, and my team ate the whole thing one day while I was in a meeting. They felt so guilty about it that they bring me a new (not…

  • There’s Always Time for Tea

    There’s Always Time for Tea

    Last week’s RegularRandom featured a pink posey of rosebuds sent to me by my dear friend Lucile. When I did that shoot, I also shot a morning tea setup for me and my mum and I wanted to share that with you here. I found the colours so vibrant and beautiful. It’s been 18 days…

  • Five Minutes with a Beetroot & Chocolate Muffin – RegularRandom

    Five Minutes with a Beetroot & Chocolate Muffin – RegularRandom

    Hi everyone. It’s been ages since I RegularRandom‘ed a sweet treat. In the apartment complex where I live, a restaurant has opened up on the ground floor. The people who run it are just lovely. I have gotten to know them over the many months of fit out and met so many of the family…

  • Five Minutes with Chocolate Cake – RegularRandom

    Five Minutes with Chocolate Cake – RegularRandom

    A few people have pointed out that I haven’t done a RegularRandom with something sweet in a very long time, and they’re right! So, today is the day. A quick look at the rules: A quick recap of the #RegularRandom rules: choose a subject or a scene spend five minutes photographing it – no more!…

  • Incredibly Edible

    Incredibly Edible

    via Daily Prompt: Edible As you know, I’m a lover of macro and a lover of cupcakes, so when the opportunity arose on the weekend to visit one of my favourite Instagram cake people in the flesh, I jumped at (or drove to) the chance. This cupcake is from Proof is in the Pudding in…

  • Five Minutes with Another Cupcake – RegularRandom

    Five Minutes with Another Cupcake – RegularRandom

    Ok, enough of flowers and pens and things, it’s time to get back to the sugary goodness that is cupcakes! It feels like forever! Let’s get the rules out of the way: choose an object or scene try not to interfere with it once it’s set up shoot for five minutes – here’s where you…

  • Five Minutes with Lemon Meringue – RegularRandom

    Five Minutes with Lemon Meringue – RegularRandom

    This is my RegularRandom, where we choose an object or a scene and spend only 5 minutes shooting it. It makes us think about angles and light and composition and moving your body rather than the subject. If you want to join in, please do! Tag your post with RegularRandom and link back to this…

  • Five Minutes with Brunch – RegularRandom

    Five Minutes with Brunch – RegularRandom

    Thanks for visiting RegularRandom. If you haven’t seen it before, this is the concept:   choose an object or scene spend just 5 minutes shooting it, trying to be creative with angles and light and composition post your photos with the tag regularrandom pingback to this post so that we can see your results! This…