Tag: eclecticcorner

  • Splash (Eclectic #8)

    Splash (Eclectic #8)

    Into the water? Or sit tight safe on the sand? Serious choices. Justine at Eclectic Odds and Sods, as I’m sure you know, hosts Eclectic Corner. This 8th edition is entitled “Splash of Colour” and asks us to submit a photograph depicting a splash of colour. I decided to also include a splash of water 🙂 Justine…

  • Eclectic Street Life (iPhone)

    Eclectic Street Life (iPhone)

    This is my second entry to Justine’s Eclectic Corner #7 event – Street Life. These photos today were taken while going to and from work while I was in Sydney this week. All taken with my iPhone6 and edited with the Photos app on the phone.           And now it’s home…

  • Eclectic Street Life

    Eclectic Street Life

    My dear Justine at Eclectic Odds n Sods has been hosting a fabulous series of challenges for us to get involved in, share our words and pictures, thoughts and ideas. If you haven’t stopped by, please do, it’s always a treat. This Eclectic Corner Challenge #7 is called Street Life, Photography and Writing and asks…

  • Sloe Aged Flirt

    Sloe Aged Flirt

    Today, I’m bringing a cheeky little cocktail to Justine’s Tea Time #5. If you haven’t been to Justine’s Tea Time before, come along, see what you might find 😉 Before my birthday cocktail party last year, my friend and I went out to taste-test some cocktails, as you do 🙂 I had been introduced to…

  • Hope Renewed

    Hope Renewed

    This post is in response to Justine’s Story Prompt over at Eclectic Corner. It’s a cool place over there, with various fun challenges and games to get involved in, please check it out and join in. This time, Justine gave us a photo to use as a prompt for a story. I love this photo…

  • Eclectic Guessing Reveal

    Eclectic Guessing Reveal

    The lovely Justine at Eclectic Odds N Sods started us on another guessing game recently, where we had to post an image with the idea of Protective/Protection and have you try to guess what the image is. We had some great guesses: Justine suggested something zippered, she even roped her son in to help, he…

  • Eclectic Corner Guessing Game (Protection)

    Eclectic Corner Guessing Game (Protection)

    Justine over at Eclectic Odds n Sods has unleashed her second Guessing Game on us. We are to submit a photo, under a theme, and have our readers guess what the image is. Please click the link above for more details and to see Justine’s submission. The theme this time is Protection/Protective and Justine’s photo is…

  • 2014 Rehab and Resolutions !!

    2014 Rehab and Resolutions !!

    We had a quiet NYE tonight, just family. And I made it home with 45 minutes to spare. We spent the day painting two feature walls at my home and we’re all quite exhausted. We have some more painting to do tomorrow. These are the things I like to do when I’m on holidays. People…

  • Christmas Tea with Justine (Rehab19)

    Christmas Tea with Justine (Rehab19)

    For Justine’s Tea Time #2, I am bringing some Christmas goodies made by my Mama for Christmas. She makes these every year and they are delicious (except the fruit mince pies, I don’t like them, but my family tells me they are scrumptious). We have the fruit mince pies, chocolate crackles, apricot balls, rum balls…

  • Eclectic Corner – Decadence (Extreme)

    Eclectic Corner – Decadence (Extreme)

    In the cloying darkness of the dance floor, she closed her eyes, flinging her body from side to side, up and down with the heavy beat. Sweat dripped, wet clothes clinging to her tiny frame. Completely unaware of the crowd around her, she danced, her arms waving above her head. She was in a trance,…

  • Eclectic Corner – Decadence (Passion)

    Eclectic Corner – Decadence (Passion)

    As their fingertips finally touched, she looked up in time to see the candlelight flash in his eyes. He smiled that familiar devilish smile, as his fingers moved to caress the inside of her wrist and she could not hold back the sharp intake of breath at the aching anticipation of what was soon to…

  • Eclectic Wrinkle – The Answer Is…

    Eclectic Wrinkle – The Answer Is…

    Justine’s Guessing Game on Eclectic Corner really got people thinking and commenting. I had 78 comments on the original post for this little puzzler! You figured out pretty quickly that it was wood – I loved that it has “burnt bubbly bits”. Here are some of my favourite comments (Anujakokrady’s is my favourite): KROSSCOURT Ummmmmmm,…